About Us

Our Vision

To develop contextualized learning processes, and to promote practices that respond to the contextual needs.

Our Mission

  1. Supplement educational processes by encouraging and facilitating contextual learning processes at all levels of education,

  2. Encourage learners to be responsible towards ethical and sustainable needs of each context,

  3. Promote networking and sharing of knowledge/experiences among educators and practitioners,

  4. Explore and facilitate opportunities of learning at all other opportunities including entertainment and fun activities, and

  5. Engage in critical reflections on learning processes and knowledge systems, in order to provide timely feedback to all the above missions.

Our team

We are in process of forming a team of critical learners and immersed practitioners to engage with various contexts to develop contextual learning processes anchored around these rich contexts while also contributing back to the respective contexts and communities. At this point, we are interested in exploring, reflecting, learning and doing activities to contribute for contextual learning – both at early education (childhood) and higher (college/university level) education. We are also interested in engaging critically with the idea of education in order to make it learner-driven and contexts-based. In doing so, we are also very keen to see how we connect back to our societies, cultures, environment and a range of everyday issues that revolve around these themes. We will keep reflecting on these themes through a few initiatives, in which we invite you to participate, and we look forward to hearing from you about your thoughts too.

We are an 8 years old team: a child and his parents. Though we are still in an early stage of our learning journey, we would like to make it a collaborative journey with like-minded people – hence, this initiative is a way of sharing, reflecting and growing process.

Anusheel Chapagain

Usha Neupane

Neel Kamal Chapagain

A child and his parents, in the foreground of a big wood and mortar building under renovation at the Kathmandu Durbar Square, in Kathmandu, Nepal.